April Newsletter

We are excited to announce that we have a new option for clients needing prescription or food refills! Our new online request form allows you to skip calling the front desk so that you can get your refills faster and more efficiently. The refill request form can be found on our webpage under the pharmacy section...WVH Pharmacy

Please fill out the form on your device and then send to our pharmacies email. Here is a direct link to the request form...Prescription Refill Form

We will contact you with any questions and what time your refill is ready for pick up. Please give it a try!

We have many clients that like and continue to request curbside care. So, here are a few reminders about our hospitals appointment policies as we try to reach a good balance on what is desired by clients and what is safe and efficient for everyone. Curbside will always be available for any appointment for those that prefer its convenience.

  1. Technician, daycare and surgical appointments will continue to always check in as a curbside appointment. Please call from your car to check in.

  2. All other in person appointments can check in curbside from their car and then be escorted into the exam room OR if you prefer coming in with your pet into the lobby, we can check you in that way as well.

  3. Whenever possible please prepay for your prescription and food refills so we can have them ready for you to pickup in the vestibule, saving you time and freeing up our lobby.

  4. Masking is optional for all clients and staff. Please reschedule appointments if you are ill. We appreciate the humans not coming into our building if they are sick so we can keep our staff healthy and able to work.

In order to service our clients better we need to have appointments available when they are needed. Therefore, starting May 1st, 2023 we will have two new scheduling policies.

New Clients will be asked to leave a $50.00 dollar deposit for their first visit. There is a 48-hour cancelation requirement for new patient exams.

Existing Clients will be charged a $25.00 dollar fee for any missed appointment that was not canceled 24 hours prior to their scheduled appointment.

No show appointments or appointments canceled at the time of the appointment are inconsiderate to our practice and to the patients and clients that are waiting and need to be seen. I greatly appreciate your understanding with regards to our new policies.

Thank You!

Dr. Crystal Eberly